The picture...
I was blessed, that my friend, Laurie Wilson, with Laurie Wilson
Photography went out of her way to squeeze me in on a Saturday the day
after I called her! The day came for our photo shoot and my husband did
not think this was a good idea. He felt I was making too big of deal of
this, but he went along with it because I told him this was my body and
this was how I was dealing with it! Well, while we were getting ready he
made the signs and not only did he make the two I asked for but two
extra as well. Even after my attitude, he still made a sign that said,
"My wife is still Beautiful," and one for me that said, "Stage One." I
was not really sure how I wanted the picture, but Laurie captured all I
felt and more! The picture shows that it does not just affect me, but
my whole family, that they support me and yes, that through it all God
is who I will Trust.
My sister-in-law shared with me that she had read that in a given situation, you should think of the worst possible outcome and plan accordingly. So, that is what I did after I found "the lump." I started thinking about how I would act if I was diagnosed with CANCER. Every day, my prayer for myself is to become more like Christ. Because of my relationship with Christ, I knew that I wanted to stand firm on who's got this!
While thinking of what standing firm on Christ looked like for me, I was reminded of another sister in Christ who had already walked this walk. She had posted a cute picture of her triplets in pink ribbon outfits. I thought maybe mine could wear something similar and have one of the kids hold a sign that said, "My Mom has breast cancer," and the other one hold up a sign that says "My God's Got This!"
The thought of the picture helped me have peace knowing I had a plan no matter the outcome of the tests. I was going to hand it all over to God. This helped me get through the long wait from August 24 until September 9th. I would remind myself, "My God's Got This!" even if I hear the words, YOU HAVE CANCER. I knew that if the diagnosis was indeed CANCER, then I would have a long road ahead and I would need to look back and remember Who's I was, Who's I am and Who's I am ALWAYS going to be. That I would not let CANCER dictate my life, my thoughts or let it define me. I knew looking at a picture would help me remember this when I may forget.
"My God's Got This," does not mean that I would not have CANCER throughout my body, I knew I could. It does not mean that I will not die, because one day I will. What it does mean, that no matter the situation, I am going to trust God with the outcome. I will completely surrender my will to His. That His ways are higher than my ways and tough days ahead are not likely, but promised when you follow Christ. So, it is all in how we handle the long hard walk.
It does not mean that I will not seek medical help, God has given me wisdom to know I need the help of knowledgeable doctors. Seeking God's will requires that I pray for those providing me medical care, from those checking me in, to those cutting me open. No person's job is to small that God does not use them. So I am committed to praying for all that I come into contact with through this new journey. I pray that if they do not know Christ as their Lord and Savior that my life will point to Him. I pray that I show them God's love, not my own, but His. Because mine, would never be enough. So when you look at this picture and see "God's Got This," know it means a whole lot more.
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